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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Apple's iPad

Apple's new iPad is obviously a very eye-catching device, but it has a long way to go before it will encompass all the features that users need. The biggest flaw is that the iPad cannot play DVDs. The size and shape of this gadget screams DVD capabilities, however there are no moving parts (such as DVD drives) on the machine. Another feature Apple overlooked was the internet browser. Much like the iPods, the iPad cannot play Flash files which limits a lot of internet capabilities. Also, the starting price of $499 is for a Wi-Fi capable iPad, it'll cost you at least $630 for one that lets you use the 3G network as well.

With all these negatives, the iPad has a a lot of blatant positives. Apple's trademark interface is very easy on the eyes and easy to use. Not to mention Apple's app store gives iPad owners countless games and functionality options. While you are not able to play DVDs on the iPad, the iTunes TV and movie store is still a viable option that will make plane rides fly by. Another thing about the iPad that will be big is that it is prompting the opening of a book store on the iTunes store, making this gadget similar to the Kindle, and then some.

The release date of the iPad is April 3rd, 2010

Read more about the iPad here.


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